Поболтаем о музыке с Женей
Добро пожаловать, болтуны! You have been invited here to prepare to join Zhenya Obryadina, SRAS’ St. Petersburg Student Coordinator in a discussion about music and some of Russia’s great bands. SRAS is excited to be working with you! Очень рады познакомиться!
Let’s start by letting Zhenya introduce herself:
So how does this work? Your instructor will let you know when the event will be and, if needed, how to log into it. Zhenya will start by introducing her subject in a short five-minute talk. Then she will lead you in discussion using the Russian vocabulary you learned in advance (see below) and following the questions below, which hopefully you will have also taken the time to consider in advance. Please take 3 minutes to listen to this music clip also: Link here Скоро увидимся!
Новые слова для тебя!
- клуб, концертный зал – club, concert hall – venues.
- гардероб – cloakroom
- номерок – cloakroom ticket
- посмотреть вокруг – look around
- зрители – spectators
- сцена – stage
- танцпол – dancefloor
- балкон – balcony, upper circle
- певец, певица – singer
- композитор – composer
- исполнитель, артист – performing musician
- потрясающе – amazing
- живьём – live (to perform live)
- скрипка – violin
- пианино – piano
- гитара – guitar
- виолончель – cello
- барабаны – drums
- духовые инструменты – the brass, the winds
- выложить в Instagram – upload to Instagram
О чем именно будем болтать?
Take a sneak peek at Zhenya’s powerpoint presentation here!
Consider how you would respond to the following questions:
- Как часто вы ходите на концерты?
- Какой ваш любимый музыкант, группа, исполнитель? Вы были на их концерте?
- Знаете ли вы русские группы или композиторов?
- Вы умеете играть на музыкальных инструментах? На каких?
(extended questions)
- Какой был самый лучший концерт в вашей жизни? Какие эмоции, чувства он вызвал? Расскажите о нём.
- На каких музыкальных инструментах вы умеете играть? На каких музыкальных инструментах вы бы хотели научиться играть?
- Вы когда-нибудь выступали на сцене? Если да, то что вы делали – играли на инструментах, участвовали в спектакле, выступали с речью? Как вы считаете, выступать на сцене – страшно, волнительно?
Тебе понравилось?
After the event, let us know how it went! We’d love to hear from you!
At a time in my life when I was at a crossroads regarding where my career might take me, this course showed me a path that truly inspired me, and I haven’t looked back since.
I wanted to find a program that combined my love of Russia and my passion for environmental studies. Because of my interest in environmental issues, Lake Baikal had always been a site of interest to me. Studying abroad in Siberia gives you the opportunity to see a completely different side of Russia and the Russian people. Just think, few people at home even know that Siberia is anything but a wintery tundra!
The program here is wonderful. All of my teachers have been extremely helpful and I have made friends both here in the dorms and with others who live in the city and find that I often have many opportunities to practice Russian outside of the classroom. Already I feel that my Russian has improved immensely, especially my listening and speaking.
I spent Fall and Spring with your program in St. Petersburg and it was truly the highlight and culmination of my University experience and just a banner year! I can’t thank you enough for or gush enough about your program. I recommend it to just about everyone I talk to, whether or not they’re interested in learning Russian.
My semester back home so far has been incredibly influenced by my semester abroad with SRAS and I find myself talking about it almost daily. Since many of my classes touch on the region (Europe after Socialism, Central Asian Politics), I’m able to add comments and insights unavailable to me before. My contributions to our Russian club have also been greatly enriched. Thank you for everything you did to facilitate this experience and going out of your way to ensure our success.
I’ve studied in Irkutsk and St. Petersburg with SRAS, but [Bishkek] is, by far, my favorite because of the intense focus on speaking skills. I spend about three hours, 4 times a week speaking one-on-one. It’s such a unique opportunity! The people are also especially friendly here. My homestay is fantastic, the coordinator is a never-ending wealth of help, and the food of Central Asia is delicious.