There was an explosion on the St. Petersburg metro on April 3rd, 2017.
SRAS contacted and verified that all students and staff are safe. We are also reviewing and stressing safety procedures with all students on the ground. We are additionally reviewing and updating all safety procedures for all locations.
Our thoughts are hearts are with St. Petersburg and especially with those mostly directly affected by this senseless act. We continue to closely monitor the situation and to keep our students apprised.
SRAS will be moving forward with all summer programs as scheduled. The authorities in Russia are currently implementing heightened security measures in all major cities and transport and are likely to maintain those policies for some time. Beyond that, the problem of terrorism is a global one and can affect anyone anywhere now. Deciding not to travel to St. Petersburg or anywhere abroad today would be like scratching New York, Boston, and Charleston, for example, off one’s list of possible travel destinations because of events that have happened there. The last thing we all need now, in our opinion, is to close our doors and lock ourselves inside. Of course, this decision is one for every individual to make themselves and SRAS is available to discuss the current situation and options for anyone who is concerned.
We would like to stress additionally that SRAS locations are ones which SRAS and its staff also call home. We will remain as full time residents in our locations, with our spouses and our sons and daughters. We feel that we are as safe here as anywhere else.